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Iris Floor Ceramics – Studio glazes

Iris Floor Ceramics utilizes both commercial and custom studio glazes, with the latter personally crafted by Iris Floor herself.

Studio glazes

These glazes are formulated by Iris Floor Ceramics and, therefore, do not come with safety documentation.

Glaze nameFood-safeDishwasher-safe
Frosty PlumYesYes
Peachy CreamYesYes
Pebble BrownYes
Tigers EyeYesYes
Matte WhiteYesYes
Raku TransparentYesYes
  • Frosty Plum (H-3) This glaze is free from any substances that pose safety hazards. This glaze should ideally be food-safe and dishwasher-safe.
  • Peachy Cream (H-7) This glaze is free from any substances that pose safety hazards. This glaze should ideally be food-safe and dishwasher-safe.
  • Pebble Brown (D-2) This glaze does contain substances that pose safety hazards. This glaze is dishwasher-safe, but it may not be food-safe for direct contact with food.
  • Tigers Eye (TG-2) This glaze is free from any substances that pose safety hazards. This glaze should ideally be food-safe and dishwasher-safe.
  • Matte White (SM-2) This glaze is free from any substances that pose safety hazards. This glaze should ideally be food-safe and dishwasher-safe.
  • Raku Transparent This glaze is free from any substances that pose safety hazards. This glaze should ideally be food-safe and dishwasher-safe.